Izaskun Chinchilla (ES)

Pic Nic The Earth

July 7th – July 13th 2024

Izaskun Chinchilla, Ph.D. Architect from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, has established her own architectural office in Madrid since 2001. With extensive experience in research, education, and public engagement, she has garnered international recognition for her innovative work in sustainable architecture. Her doctoral thesis, The Structure of the Ecological Crisis in Architecture, stands out as a significant contribution to advancing sustainability within the building industry.

Throughout her career, Izaskun has lectured at institutions worldwide, including Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (ETSAM-UPM), Ecole Special (Paris), HEAD University (Geneva), and University College of London, where she received a Public Engagement fellowship in 2012. Her architectural practice is complemented by a research project titled The Structure of the Ecological Revolution in Architecture, leading her to various academic institutions as a visiting scholar. She has also participated as a speaker in numerous international forums, lectures, and exhibitions, emphasizing the social and public dimensions of architectural design.

In 2020, Izaskun published La Ciudad de los Cuidados, translated as The Caring City in 2022, challenging conventional urban and architectural models by prioritizing the civic and public experiences of citizens. Her bold approach to architectural education and social engagement has earned her admiration, as evidenced by the Arc Vision Prize jury’s recognition of her efforts to integrate social engagement, aesthetics, and ecological concerns into her projects, transcending traditional boundaries between architecture and art installation.

Pic Nic The Earth

July 7th – July 13th

Workshop Categories
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Workshop Partners

The Workshop

Eating outdoors, in a scenical setting, is one of the few pleasures almost anyone can do at any time. It has an immemorial history with plenty of cultural and even political connotations. Health and sustainability should therefore determine all of our work in this workshop.

Extensive research into art history’s images of picnics will form the basis for our own designs and realisations. Francisco de Goya's La merienda, Edouard Manet's Le Dejeuner sur l'herbe, James Jacques Joseph Tissot's Holiday or Florine Stettheimer's Picnic at Bedford Hills are just a few outstanding examples. We will find many more from all over the world, above all in Boisbuchet's extensive library. From that investigation we’ll create a timeline to help us understand the cultural and geographical history of this practice.

Our practical work will then consist of working in teams to install several picnic stations on the grounds of the Domaine, interpreting our selection of historical scenes with new characters and objects. Using outdoor textiles and Boisbuchet’s amazing stock of material and objects, our installations shall finally invite to an interactive and immersive experience that makes visitors a part of the scenes.

Student: €1090 TTC

Normal: €1496 TTC


  • Accommodation & food are included

  • We can accommodate for special catering

  • All participants sleep in dormitories

  • To book a private room or bring additional guests, get in touch: workshops@boisbuchet.org


  • Our staff are available to help you conceptualize & produce your designs

  • Tools & materials are provided by Boisbuchet

  • All workshops are taught in English

  • The number of participants is limited to 22
